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This review is written by Bonnie Orbison. She is a published author and her latest release is the poetry collection Pretty Tennessee. If you enjoy her writing, more can be found on her online journal Howdy Bonnie! (poetry and personal diary essays) as well as with her fiction novels.
Drea - bedroom safe house
Exactly a year after I interviewed the legendary artist Drea on her song Dear Emily, the singer-songwriter puts out a new song. bedroom safe house.
bedroom safe house got delivered on my front door at the right time. i’m about to move to a new country, i’m used to traveling and settling myself in at Airbnbs and friends’ guest rooms for a week up to a month. There comes a complete different feeling to leaving behind the room I inhabited and hibernated in between those adventures. I know I can visit home and lay in my own bed here whenever it pleases me. Scared to see only parts of my room cause I’ve moved them to another country with me. The song reminds me to make peace with that, I also know I’m gonna listen to this song in a month’s time and whenever I do think of home and my bedroom safe house, it’ll be this room. not any other i’ll decorate and polish up. it’ll be this bedroom. the one i’m writing this review right now.
Drea has an ability to calm her listeners. Take them on a journey through her own feelings and words, almost in a way talking to each one listening. She invites one to reflect on certain aspects on life that usually aren’t really addressed in folk pop.
Losing myself to the feeling
It torments me while I’m asleep
Lost in life with no meaning
I’m waiting for more, still I can't let go
Reading through the lyrics weirdly remind me of Drea posting this past Summer about her little family members that gambolled around the grass and joyfully soaked up life. Sometimes we’re all so caught up in life’s responsibilities and look for a meaning in everything. The lyrics are only a selection of words, and still they say so much. Maybe we can all let our shoulders be more loose when we pick up our headphones and listen to this 3 minutes song.
watch this interview with Drea:
See Drea live these coming days:
you can find her on (Instagram) and (TikTok)
This review is written by Bonnie Orbison. She is a published author and her latest release is the poetry collection Pretty Tennessee. If you enjoy her writing, more can be found on her online journal Howdy Bonnie! (poetry and personal diary essays) as well as with her fiction novels.
Here’s a journal entry of Bonnie’s that you can read while listening to ‘bedroom safe house’: